
  • View a map of your market using the color-coded graphical market layout function that enables you to rent available spaces and also helps you to see the category of the product the vendor is selling

  • Rent on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis, option to pre-print Daily Tickets

  • Option for defining and renting multiple 'Other' items, such as tables, electric etc

  • Highly flexible pricing for spaces and 'Other' items

  • Barcode support for scanning and printing Vendor Photo IDs

  • Automatically renew spaces for events that recur weekly or monthly

  • Ability to Check in vendors at the gate and generate 'No Show Vendors' report

  • Issue Admission Tickets and Parking Tickets to shoppers

  • View space rental status through Space History and Space Status options

  • Generate reports on transaction details, vendor spaces and 'Other' Items, year-to-date payments from vendors, outstanding balances, available spaces etc

  • Track rental revenue breakdown by various categories such as indoor, outdoor etc

  • Works with other applications like Word to generate marketing mailings and collection letters and with Excel to export and design custom reports

  • State of the art technologies such as barcode scanning, touch screen entry, driver's license swiping, thermal printing, online credit card processing etc

  • Interfaces to QuickBooks accounting system


  • Since the system is user-friendly with point and click access to all functions, users will find it easy to navigate the screens

  • A visual layout of open and booked spaces enables easier selection of spaces for both the vendors and the rental agent

  • Perform rental functions from one screen and quickly locate available spaces to facilitate faster rentals and renewals

  • Provides better, overall control by providing the latest information on spaces, vendors, products and accounting as well as quick access to historical data

  • Leads to increase in space rentals, reduction in costs and improved collection of past due balances

  • Allows easy reconciliation of cash collected by each rental agent

Use of Booth Tracker application at United Flea Markets